Primary Mathematics Practice Book 2A
This book includes:
- 54 practices
- 3 reviews
Pages are perforated and hole punched for easy filing.
Pages: 146
Chapter 1: Numbers to 1000
- Recall(counting)
- Counting
- Counting
- Hundreds ,Tens, Ones
- Recall(comparing and ordering numbers)
- Comparing and ordering numbers
- Number patterns
Chapter 2: Addition and subtraction within 100
- Recall(Addition and subtraction)
- Addition and subtraction
- Addition and subtraction
- Recall addition without renaming
- Addition without renaming
- Addition without renaming
- Recall(addition with remaining)
- Addition with remaining
- Addition with remaining
- Recall(subtraction without remaining)
- Subtraction without remaining
- Subtraction without remaining
- Recall(subtraction with remaining)
- Subtraction with remaining
- Subtraction with remaining
- Subtraction with remaining
- Word problems
Review 1
Chapter 3 Length
- Recall
- Measuring length in metres
- Comparing and ordering in lengths
- Word problems
Chapter 4: Multiplication and division
- Recall(Multiplication)
- Multiplication
- Recall(Division)
- Equal Sharing
- Equal Grouping
- Multiplication and Division
Chapter 5: Multiplication tables of 2, 5 and 10
- Recall(Multiplication)
- Multiplication table of 2
- 2 more and 2 less
- Multiplication and Dividing by 2
- Multiplication table of 5
- 5 more and 5 less
- Multiplication and dividing by 5
- Multiplication table of 10
- 10 more and 10 less
- Multiplication and dividing by 10
Review 2
Chapter 6: Mass
- Mass
- Measuring mass in kilograms
- Measuring mass in grams
- Comparing and ordering masses
- Word problems
Chapter 7: Time
- Recall(Telling time to the minutes)
- Telling time to the minutes
- Measuring time in hours and minutes
- Converting time
Review 3
Complete series contain:
- Textbooks (A/B)
- Practice Books (A/B)